The film opens with a shot of desolate, wide-open country in West Texas in June 1980. In a voice over, the local sheriff, Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), tells of the changing times: in the old days, some sheriffs never wore guns, as did his late father, who was the sheriff before him; in the modern day and age, however, Bell once sent an unrepentant teenage boy to the electric chair who had killed a girl simply because he wanted to kill someone, had been "fixin'" to do it for some time, and would do it again if he had the chance.
A man named Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) is being arrested by a deputy (Zach Hopkins). Back at the otherwise empty police station, the deputy describes on the phone Chigurh's strange possession, a compressed air cattle-gun. The deputy is on the phone with Sheriff Bell, but has his back to Chigurh, who sneaks up behind him and garrotes him with his handcuffs. Chigurh falls back on the floor with the deputy, a strange grin washing across his face, as his wriggling victim finally expires. After cleaning himself up in the station bathroom, Chigurh pulls over a man in a Ford with the deputy's police car. Politely asking the man to step out the car, Chigurh puts his hand on the man's head like a faith-healer and shots the cattle gun through the man's skull. Chigurh then drives off in the man's car.
Elsewhere, Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) is hunting pronghorns. Setting his sniper-rifle sights on one, he fires and misses, scattering the animals. Shifting his sights, to his surprise, he sees a pitbull. Walking over after the dog has ran off, he sees that the pitbull has left a trail of blood. Following this trail, Moss eventually comes upon several trucks parked out in the middle of the wilderness. Coming closer, he finds several bodies shot to death, most appearing to be Mexican, and even a dead pitbull. Under a tarp in a pick-up, Moss sees what appears to be a great deal of heroin. Opening one of the trucks, he finds a man whose still alive, but badly injured. The panting stranger begs Moss for "aqua", but Moss walks away saying he doesn't have any water. He also takes the man's semi-automatic rifle. Moss follows another blood trail, this time it leds to a grove of trees where he sees someone is sitting. Eventually, he makes his way to the grove to see that the man under the trees is dead. The dead man has a silver pistol and a satchel, which Moss finds to hold $2 million dollars.
Moss returns to his trailer home with the "aqua" man's semi-automatic, which he hids underneath the home, the silver pistol and the satchel. Moss's wife, Carla Jean (Kelly Macdonald), asks Moss what's in the satchel, but doesn't believe him when he off-handedly tells her. That night, Moss can't sleep, guilty that he left the man in the truck to die. He gets up and grabs a jug of water and the semi-automatic, explaining to Carla Jean that he's "fixin' to do something dumber than hell".
Driving up near the site of the drug massacre, Moss goes to find the man and give him water. Before he is able to, a pickup truck pulls right next to his truck. Moss hids behind one of the trucks, but the two men who get out the pickup detect his presence and start shooting at him. Moss runs off with the pickup pursuing him, one of the men manages to shoot him in the shoulder when he reaches a river enbankment. As Moss runs tumbles towards the river, the two men sic a pitbull on him. Moss swims to the other side, but the pitbull swims after him with startling speed and the men continue to shoot at him. Hauling out on the river bank, Moss frantically dries out his handgun and manages to shoot the pitbull dead just as it attacks him. Returning to his trailer, Moss tends to his wounds and then wakes Carla Jean, putting her on a bus to go stay with her mother.
After filing up at a gas station in the dead man's Ford, Chigurh goes to pay for some candy from the gas station proprietor (Gene Jones). When the proprietor tries to make conversation, Chigurh asks him the man what is it the most he's lost in a coin toss. It becomes increasingly clear that Chigurh will harm the proprietor if he calls the wrong side of the coin. Much to his relief, the proprietor calls the right side of the coin, which Chigurh insists he must always hang onto, and keep separate from his other coins, because this is now "lucky" coin. The two men who shot at Moss drive back to the drug massacre site that night, this time with Chigurh as their passenger. Chigurh tears the identification plate out of Moss's truck and proceeds to survey the massacre with the two men. The two men give him a transponder on which they said they aren't getting a "bleep". Chigurh asks to borrow one of the men's handguns and coolly shoots them both dead with it.
The following morning, Sheriff Bell is called into check out a roadside car-fire, which draws attention to the nearby drug massacre site. Meeting his inexperienced deputy, Wendell (Garret Dillahunt), Sheriff Bell tells him they'll ride horseback to the drug massacre. The car on fire is the Ford belonging to the man Chigurh killed the day before. While going over the massacre, Sheriff Bell recognizes the truck parked nearby as belonging to Moss.
Going to the Mosses' trailer, Chigurh uses his cattle gun to smash open the lock on the door. Recognizing that they've left in a hurry, Chigurh briefly sits on their couch and drinks some of the Mosses' milk. He then goes over to the trailer park manager's office and questions her about Llewelyn's whereabouts. When the manager refuses to tell Chigurh where Moss works, he seems to contemplate killing her, but changes his mind when he hears there's someone in the bathroom. Sheriff Bell and Deputy Wendell go into the Moss trailer a bit later and see that someone has shot open Moss's lock. Moss has driven off to stay in a motel where he hides the sachel of money in the motel room's ventilation ducts. He purchases some camping equipment, out of which he fashions a pole with a hook (made of cut clothes hangers) duct taped on the end. He also buys a shotgun and saws off the end.
That night, Chigurh is driving around when the transponder that the two men had given starts to go off. The transponder starts to go wild as he pulls up to the motel and deduces which room the signal is coming from. Chigurh checks into the motel. He takes off his boots so he can quietly walk up to the room where the signal is coming from. Again he uses the cattle gun to break open the door. Inside are two Mexican men, one with a semi-automatic rifle, but he quickly and bloodily dispatches both with a silenced shotgun. Going into the bathroom, he finds a third man cowering behind the shower curtain. He closes the curtain and kills the third man with the shotgun. Hearing the commotion, Moss uses the hooked pole to quietly pull out the satchel of money and calls a cab. When he hears the sound of the satchel dragging in the venilation duct, Chigurh uses a dime to unscrew the grate and look inside. Moss gets away from the motel in the cab before Chigurh is able to find him.
Elsewhere, in a high-rise business building, a bounty hunter named Carson Wells (Woody Harrelson) comes into the big office of a businessman (Stephen Root). Wells tells the stern businessman that he has had past dealings with Chigurh and would know him by sight. Wells also compares Chigurh to the bubonic plague and calls him a psychopathic killer. The businessman hires Wells to control the "situation" with Chigurh.
Moss has gone to an old hotel near the Mexico border. While checking into the room, he asks the desk clerk when he will be working until. The desk clerk tells him 10 A.M. Moss gives him some money and asks him to give him a call in the room to let him know if anyone drops into find him. Moss is unable to sleep that night while pondering how Chigurh was able to track him down to the previous motel. Digging through the sachel with the money, he finds a signal transmitter that he realizes Chigurh was able to track his signal with. Hearing creaking footsteps coming down the hallway, Moss sits on the bed with his sawed-off shotgun pointing at the door. The sound of the transponder Chigurh uses is heard from the hallway and the footsteps go down the hall to unscrew the light. Suddenly, Chigurh's gun smashes through the door. Moss returns fire, rendering the hallway momentarily silent. Moss turns to jump down the hotel fire-escape with the satchel and his rifle, but Chigurh burst in and shoots Moss in the side with his silenced shotgun. Moss falls down to the street and drags himself around the nearest corner to avoid Chigurh's continual shotgun blasts at him. Moss goes into the hotel lobby to check on the desk clerk and finds that Chigurh has already killed him.
Moss then runs out into the street to wave down a man in a small truck. The man seems startled by Moss's bloody appearance and firearm, but within seconds the man is killed by shots to the throat and face from Chigurh's semiautomatic machinegun. The unseen Chigurh continues to blast away at the truck as Moss tries to speed off in it from the passenger side with the dead driver still in the driver's seat. Turning a corner, Moss crashes into a parked car. Moss goes to hid behind a parked car on the other side of the street. Using the reflection in a store window, he sees Chigurh walk up to the crash. Just as Chigurh begins to see where Moss's blood trail leads, Moss fires a series of shots at Chigurh. Chigurh dives beneath the car Moss had crashed into as Moss continues to shoot at him. Crossing the street, Moss sees that Chigurh has left behind his silenced machinegun and has escaped through the nearby darkened alley.
Walking to the bridge from Texas to Mexico, Moss encounters a group of frat boys. He has lost so much blood, he can barely stand. He gives five hundred dollars to one of the startled college kids in exchange for his shirt and a bottle of beer. After the frat boys leave, Moss throws the sachel into the reeds besides the bridge and uses the beer bottle as an excuse for his messy appearance when he crosses over to Mexico.
Passed out next to a fountain, Moss is awoken by a mariachi band who at first play happily for him but are then stopped when they see his bullet wound. That same morning, Chigurh limps up to a pharmacy, one of Moss's shots having hit him in the leg. Removing the gas tank cap from a nearby car, he dips cloth in the gasoline and lights the tip of the cloth with a lighter. As he walks into the pharmacy the car explodes, creating panic among all those inside. As the whole pharmacy is distracted by the explosion, Chigurh nonchalantly walks off with a bunch of medical supplies. Back at his hotel room, Chigurh lays plastic down on the floor, and pulls the bullet out of his leg. He methodically treats his wound after taking a bath.
Sheriff Bell tracks down Carla Jean to see if she knows where Moss is running. When she truthifully tells him she has no idea where Moss is, Bell warns her to let him know if she hears anything from him. Later, Deputy Wendell tells Sheriff Bell that the D.E.A. wants to go over the drug massacre site with him, but Bell tiredly declines. Bell rambles about a newspaper article on a couple who rent rooms to elderly people and torture and kill them so they can collect their social security checks. They remained unsuspected despite the numerous fresh graves in their yard, until a nude victim managed to escape and run into town.
When Moss awakes in a Mexican hospital, he sees Wells is at his bedside with flowers, having apparently been able to track down Moss within 3 hours. Wells explains that he would able to help Moss if he gave him a cut of the money, but Chigurh would not be making any deals. It is revealed that both Moss and Wells are Vietnam veterans. When Moss asks if "sugar" is the "ultimate badass", Wells says Chigurh has no sense of humor but does have his own code of honor. Wells gives Moss the number to his hotel room to give Moss time to consider the deal. Walking back over the U.S.-Mexico bridge, Wells is able to see where Moss has thrown the satchel.
When Wells walks back into his hotel, Chigurh follows him in. Chigurh greets Wells warmly, but keeps him at gun-point. Back in the room, Wells desperately tries to cut a deal with Chigurh. He offers to retrieve the money for Chigurh, but Chigurh remains uninterested in any deal. When he realizes that there's no way Chigurh will let him live, Wells lets him know how crazy he is. When the room phone rings, Chigurh kills Wells. Chigurh picks up and it's Moss. Chigurh lets Moss know that he knows exactly where he is and, instead of coming to kill him in the hospital, he going to go to Carla Jean's mother's house and kill her. He offers that Moss give him the money and his own life, in exchange for allowing Carla Jean to live. Moss tells Chigurh he won't have to come after him, because he will come to Chigurh. Walking back from Mexico into Texas still in his hospital gown, Moss goes into a store to buy some new clothes. He then recovers the satchel. Moss then calls Carla Jean and tells her to fly down with her mother to join him at a motel where he's gotten a room. Carla Jean tells Sheriff Bell where Moss has asked her to come for him.
Back at the high-rise building of the businessman who hired Wells, Chigurh burst into find the businessman conversing with someone from "accounting" and shots the businessman in the face. Chigurh admonishes the accounting man for bringing the "Mexicans" in on the case. When the accounting man asks Chigurh if he's going to shoot him too, Chigurh says as he turns to face the man "That depends. Have you seen me?" Meanwhile, Chigurh feigns being broken down on a roadside. When a chicken farmer in an El Camino pulls over to assist, Chigurh asks where the nearest airport is. The man tells him El Paso. Chigurh is then at a car wash, cleaning the feathers out of the farmer's El Camino.
Moss is by the pool at his motel and flirts with a sun-bathing girl. She tells Moss that she has beer back in her room. He says that he knows what beer leads to, and declines her offer. After they've arrived at the airport, Carla Jean and her ailing mother, Loretta (Tess Harper), are assisted with their luggage by a Mexican man in a suit who gets out of a car containing 3 other shady-looking Mexican guys. Loretta lets the Mexican in the suit know exactly where their going, after which he and his associates speed off. A bit later, Sheriff Bell is driving up as he sees, to his creeping dismay, a violent commotion at Moss's motel. An injured Mexican man runs out of a room. Going into the motel, Sheriff Bell sees that both the girl by the pool and Llewelyn Moss have been shot and killed.
After dealing with local law enforcement associates and comforting Carla Jean, Sheriff Bell goes back alone to the hotel room where Moss was killed. Seeing that the motel room door has been smashed open in Chigurh's favored style, Bell draws his gun. We see Chigurh leaning against a wall in the dark (seemingly awaiting Bell) with his cattle gun and apparent fear or sadness in his teary eyes. Bell opens the room door and looks around the room and the bathroom, not finding anyone. Sitting on the bed, Sheriff Bell notices that the venilation duct has been opened with a dime, just as Chigurh had opened the vent earlier. Apparently weeks later, Bell drives to a farm to visit his Uncle Ellis (Barry Corbin). Bell has retired, news which is frustrating for Ellis. When Bell explains that he felt "outmatched", Ellis tells him that we have to continue with our lives no matter how evil life gets.
Later still, Loretta has died and, when returning from her funeral, Carla Jean finds Chigurh sitting in her mother's house. Chigurh explains that he made a "promise" to Moss that he was going to kill her. Chigurh offers that if she calls correctly in a coin-toss, he'll spare her life. Carla Jean dismisses Chigurh's game, saying that he's the one who decides on whether or not to kill her, not the coin. During this exchange, we see two boys ride past the house on bicycles. We next see Chigurh walking out of the house, stopping to check his boots, apparently, for blood. Driving off, he is looking at the same two boys in the rear view mirror when he is suddenly hit broadside by car speeding through the intersection that he just entered. The other driver appears dead, but Chigurh gets out of his car, his eye nearly popped out of his skull and his bone protruding out of his elbow in a compound fracture. Two neighborhood boys come up to him to see if he's alright. Chigurh pays the kids for one of their shirts, which he uses to wrap his arm, and to have them not tell the police that they saw him. Chigurh limps away into suburbia. At Sheriff Bell's house, he ponders what to do for the day at breakfast with his wife. He recounts to his wife a dream he had about his sheriff father. Bell dreamt that he and his father were riding across the prairie in the night. Bell's father then rode ahead into the darkness to build a fire for him. Though he couldn't see anything in the dark prairie night, Bell dreamt that he kept riding forward since his father and a warm fire were awaiting him.
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